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Beauty Tips




A few tips on keeping your hair healthy and shiny first

  1. Consult with your local hair care professional

  2. Set & keep your appointments for treatment

  3. Take the at home beauty care instructions and care for your hair at home as directed.

This is a team effort. Remember caring for your hair is the same as caring for your body.

Color treated hair is another beast in itself. It takes alot of extra TLC. This hair can very easily become dry, brittle, damaged & break. The key here is the right amount of moisture and protein in the hair. The best thing I can suggest is keeping up with your appointments in order to stay on top of your treatments for your hair. Only your hair care professional knows just what your hair needs. All hair has different needs and changes just like our body does. 

Some times even the simple task of daily styling for alot of people can be difficult. Seven things I feel every person should have at the very least.

  1. Comb & Brush

  2. Silk wrap &/or pillow case

  3. Flexi Rods

  4. Edge control

  5. Hot iron

  6. Hair pins

  7. Hair ties

Maybe even a little holding spray (NOT SPRITZ)


You can also catch our commercial on WCWJ 17 - Bounce TV on weekends. If you walk-in on a week day and mention that you saw this commercial on our website or on Bounce TV we will give you a free trim with a service of $35 or more. We hope to see you soon! 

The number has changed to:

(904) 903- 9012

The number is corrected on Bounce TV

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